
Braja Parama Nusantara is a trading company that sells various kinds of organic coffee products especially high quality green beans from Indonesia with the best price. Our head office is in Bogor, West Java. Indonesia is one of the largest coffee producer in the world. Today, more than 90% of Indonesia’s coffee is grown by smallholders on farms averaging one hectare or less. Most of the production is organic. We work directly with coffee farmers to sell coffee beans they produce. Currently, we sell green coffee beans as follows:
1. Gayo Arabica
2. Mandheling Arabica
3. Lintong Arabica
4. Toraja Arabica
5. Lampung Robusta
6. Luwak Arabica
7. Luwak Robusta

Coffee from Sumatra, such as Gayo and Lampung, are known for smooth, sweet body that is balanced and intense. Occasionally, Sumatran coffees can show greater acidity, which balances the body. Gayo Mountain coffee is grown on the hillsides surrounding the town of Takegon and Lake Tawar, at the northern tip of Sumatra, in the region of Aceh. The altitude in the production area averages between 1,110 and 1,300 meters. Coffee from Sumbawa is known for sweet chocolate, floral and woody notes.

All coffee is picked by hand. After harvest, the coffee is processed in a variety of ways, each imparting its own flavors and aromas to the final product. The most unusual form of coffee processing in Indonesia is Kopi Luwak. The Asian Palm Civets eat ripe coffee cherries and their digestive process removes the outer layers of the fruit. The remaining coffee beans are collected and washed. This results in a smooth, mild cup, with a sweet aftertaste. Kopi Luwak is very rare, and can retail for more than $600 per kilogram.

We open the opportunity to negotiate the price. So the agreed price satisfactory to both parties. We hope our cooperation can make your company more successful.

Contact us : brajaparamanusantara@gmail.com

Arabica Organic Kopi Luwak From Gayo, Aceh

Green Beans
  • Moisture Content : 12%
  • Cultivation Type : Organic
  • Bean Size : 7.5 mm
  • Live Insect : Negative
  • Foreign Matter : Negative
  • Total Defect : ± 0,5%
  • Maximum Order : 100 kilogram
  • Packaging : Gunny Bags
  • Price (EXW): USD 155/Kilogram
  • Contact Us: brajaparamanusantara@gmail.com


Robusta Organic Kopi Luwak From Sumatera

Green Bean
  • Cultivation Type : Organic
  • Bean Size : 8.8 mm
  • Live Insect : Negative
  • Total Defect : ± 50 %
  • Foreign Matter : Negative
  • Maximum order : 150 kilograms (optional)
  • Price (EXW): USD 65/Kilogram
    Contact Us: brajaparamanusantara@gmail.com


   The distance between the coffee plantations on the slopes of the mountain with a peasant's house is approximately 2 hours by foot. Therefore, the farmers usually often stay on the farm, especially during harvest. State Electricity Company has not been able to reach the Karang Tengah village. Even so, the villagers can harness the river flow to be converted into electric power.


Kopi Mentari Pagi comes from the traditional coffee plantations at an altitude of ± 500 meter above sea level at Gunung Pancar, exactly in the village of Karang Tengah, Babakan Madang district, Bogor, West Java. Gunung Pancar has a tropical climate type B (wet) with an average rainfall is 3000-4500 mm/year. Number of rainy days per year ranged between 150-250 days. The average temperature is 24°C at night and 33°C during the day. The average humidity is 58-82%.



   Kopi Mentari Pagi is a brand of robusta ground coffee from Indonesia which packaged in 100 gram packaging, using 100% pure coffee beans from traditional coffee plantations in West Java. This coffee is processed with the traditional ways of Indonesian culture, so that Kopi Mentari Pagi has which tantalizing aroma and great taste that is different from other coffee on the market.

TEPAT pukul 08.30 buka gending berupa pukulan kendang/beduk berbunyi. Lalu gending Monggang dari gamelan Kiai Guntur Laut pun mulai mengalun. Iramanya kedengaran seperti meratap, menyayat sepi. Tanpa didahului pidato atau pengumuman sepatah kata pun, 14 prajurit Kopassus yang berbaret merah, berseragam loreng, pelan-pelan mengangkat jenazah Sultan Hamengku Buwono IX, yang sejak Jumat, sehari sebelumnya, disemayamkan di Bangsal Kencono Keraton Yogyakarta yang berkarpet merah itu. Payung kuning, yang semula dipasang di dekat peti jenazah pun dicabut, mengikuti prosesi. Lebih dari empat ribu pelayat yang hadir berdiri. Peti yang sewaktu tiba dari Jakarta ditutupi bendera merah putih itu kini telah diselimuti kain satin putih. Roncean kembang melati menghiasi peti tersebut. Bau wangi kembang dan dupa menyerbak ke segala penjuru. Gending Monggang terus mengaduh, dibunyikan oleh sepuluh penabuh,